Tuesday, February 9, 2016

                There are four types of IT-based projects. These can be used in order to engage students in activities of a higher plane of thinking. Resource based projects. In the traditional learning model, the teacher is expert and information provider while in the resource-based learning model; the teacher only serves as a guide and facilitator. Textbook is key source of information then, but now, sources are varied. Traditional way focuses on facts; information is packaged and in neat parcels while resource-based focuses on learning inquiry/ quest or discovery. Traditional way has a product that is the be-all and end-all of learning while resource based gives emphasis on the process. In the assessment, the traditional way is quantitative. In the resource-based, assessment is not only quantitative, but also qualitative. Simple Creations, focused on the creativity of the students. Creativity has three kinds of skills/abilities: analyzing, synthesizing, and promoting. To develop creativity, there are five key tasks: 1. Define the task; 2. Brainstorm; 3. Judge the ideas; 4. Act; 5. Adopt flexibility. Guided Hypermedia Projects, The production of self-made multimedia projects can be approached in two different ways: 1. as an instructive tool; 2. as a communication tool. Web-based Projects, Posting of web pages in the Internet allows the students a wider audience. They can also be linked with other related sites in the Internet.

                Educational technology 1 is one good example of the application of higher thinking skills through IT-based project in which we are task to develop our individual skills based on IT projects. It is still fresh in my mind how to utilize technology in order to develop the learners’ potential to practice thinking skills and creativity.  Example is the application Cyber Link power Director which pertains to simple creation, Web based presentation for the guided hyper media, Web based project is like the Blogging. For the Resource based project, it is very common to everybody most especially we internet is now leading innovation for active source of information.
                The development of higher thinking skills depends not only in the IT based projects. Teachers must be responsible enough to utilize any available resources inside and outside the classroom walls in the absence of technology. It is a challenge for those teachers would possibly hire in remote areas were the absence of technology is possible. The greatest challenge among teachers is the availability of the technology and if the following expected learning outcomes and creativity can be achieved. Hence, teachers must not agree that thinking skills can only be assisted by technology; the point is, since we are not sure that technology can be always available, make good use of the any available resources in and outside the classroom.
                Developing the higher order thinking skills and creativity of learners will help them to be prepared in their future chosen carrier and become competitive enough to be independent and self-reliance.

                Technology is ubiquitous now a days and utilization I such called technology is highly advice. But it is being utilize in the sense that they can help for the effectiveness of the teaching plans. They are not just use for the sake of convenience in teaching but also to promote a conducive teaching learning process. Affirmative technological enhancement will be surely utilized in classroom setting promoting the purpose of teaching in the new era. 

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