Thursday, January 7, 2016

Lesson 1; A review of Educational Technology 1

Educational technology 1 is focused on the introduction, orientation, and familiarization and to acquaint learners (Pre-service teacher) in the use of Educational Technology 1 in teaching-learning process. The application of Educational Technology 1 showed the 4 phases of application of Educational Technology in teaching and learning, namely; (a) setting of learning objectives (b) designing specific learning experiences (c) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experience vis-à-vis learning objectives, and (d) revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process, or elements of it, for further improving future instructional activities. Nevertheless, Educational Technology 1 doesn’t only focus to its useful awareness to the pre-service teachers, but also to orient them towards averting the dangers of dehumanization effect cause by technology to the learners and into society.

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